Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tool Box

We went to Walmart to get some stuff and I wanted to get J a tool box for Christmas. We cruise through the aisle and grab the one I want and put it in the cart without even stopping. I didn't say anything to L about it, not wanting to call attention to it.
We come home, eat lunch and as soon as L is napping I wrap the tool box and put it under the tree. When J gets home that night, L takes him over to the tree, points to the box, and says, "That's your tool box Daddy."

No more shopping with L.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


It has been recommended that we have the boy evaluated for Asberger's Syndrome. I'm all for it, I know that something isn't "quite right." But the husband is adamant that the boy is perfectly normal. "I was like this as a child and I turned out fine." That is what he says, and I bite my tongue. I'm worried, and I can't share these worries and thoughts with the husband.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Brutal Honesty

There is a little girl in Luke's class. She told me a few weeks ago that she thinks I'm very pretty. So today at the Halloween carnival for his school, I was working a booth with her mother. Her mother told me that she told her daughter that I would also be there today. The girl told her mother that was great because she thinks I'm so pretty. She went on to tell her mother that I have the prettiest hair, the prettiest face and the prettiest eyes. THEN she told her mother, "She's even prettier than you!" Oh my I felt so bad for the mother. It's a great reminder of how brutally honest children can be!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The King

For two months Luke has wanted to be a king for Halloween. I don't know where he got the idea, but I thought it was cute. I waited until 3 weeks ago to buy everything I'd need to make him a king. And now, at last the costume is complete. After much struggling on my part, as I'm not handy with a needle and thread (or fabric glue for that matter.) Tonight we sat down together and made 2 crowns. (In case one gets destroyed at his school's Halloween party tomorrow. As we worked, it suddenly occurred to me that maybe my small son has an over inflated sense of self. Luke the King. This struck me as funny and sad, since he is an only child. We try so hard to help him see that it's not "all about Luke" all the time. And I'm really sure that he didn't come up with this costume idea by thinking he rules the world, or our house either. I almost want to go back to the crowns and put "His Royal Majesty" in gold glitter. But I won't. King Luke. Maybe I do need to work harder to get it through to him that life isn't about being selfish!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Every day the same "problem"

4I try not to laugh when Luke can see me because to him it's not funny. Every day when he wakes up either from a night's sleep or a nap, he's fussing and whining. Not the "I don't want to get up" fussing and whining either; I knew something was really bothering him. Finally I just asked him why he did this. "Mommy," my angel faced little man says, sniffling, "My penis won't stop doing this" and he pops his little finger straight up in the air. It was all I could do not to burst into laughter right there. I mean I had to hold my breath and count to ten and think of something horrible in order to keep myself together. I knelt down and told him that yes it would quit doing that as soon as he went to go pee pee. He looked skeptical, but was excited to learn I was right. Has not stopped the daily fussing, but now I remember that conversation and smile to myself. A gem in my memory for sure!